the tango

the tango

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Back To St Pete

ok so 2 days on the road and i am back home. the weeds have taken over the yard but it is nice and the humidity and heat are gone for now...what this means is that my studio over the garage will cool off enough for me to paint in without the ac on, and the windows can be up with the nice breeze blowing as i paint to music.
Thanks to everyone who bought my work and who came by my booth at both Arts at the Meadow and Centerfest. While the Meadowmont show had a poor turnout i got to visit with folks who have bought my work and came back for more and added more customers to my list who have now adopted my paintings. Centerfest had lots of great painters and the crowd was large and friendly ...i enjoyed all the students from The Durham School for the Arts who came by to talk about making art. I was encouraged to continue what i do by so many people including two women who teach painting. So i will keep painting even though the economy is limiting what we can buy....of course i will always choose the things that make me happy, and i know of nothing that make me smile more, except chocolate.

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