the tango

the tango

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Folk Art Cafe

As many of you know i love folk art and see myself as more a folk artist than a traditional painter. I have done a series of artist cafe scenes where i paint another artist painting into my painting and name it after that artist. All of these paintings have found wonderful homes.

Several years ago i discovered an artist, probably not very well known, and paid the antique store $25.00 for an old tattered book about her. Her name is Theora Hamblett and it is said she painted "with a child’s directness in all their intense color and emotional power." The book contains a wonderful painting of cotton pickers that i painted for this particular painting. I love her bold colors and the subject matter having grown up in the Georgia , I remember this scene as a child. So check out Theora and see what wonderful work she created in her lifetime.

1 comment:

Painter said...

Hey Joan!! Nice new cafe painting!! I thought for a minute there you were going to call it cotton picker's cafe!! Recently listening to old blues music and came across "cotton pickers blues" - that version was played by Lightening Hopkins, but here are lots of other versions. Sort of funny you are doing this scene with that motif - funny as in serendipitous! Lovely work and nice info on the work of Theora Hamblett. Thanks! Nannie